
Since 2009, we’ve given over $100,000 in the form of grants and campus improvement opportunities.

Our purpose is to assist faculty, staff and organizations of West Monroe High School with funding for projects, equipment and supplies needed for the improvement of the total educational experience.

We accept grant applications four times per year. Grants must be submitted by the submission deadline in order to go through the review process.

Past Grant Recipients

Grant Cycle Calendar

Grants must be submitted by the submission deadline to be eligible for review.

Key Dates Round 1 – Spring Round 2 – Fall BIG Grant – Fall
Application Window 1/13 – 2/13 9/1 – 9/30 9/1 – 9/30
Notification to Grant Recipients 2/28 10/15 10/15


If you would like to establish a scholarship awarded annually to a student at West Monroe High School in conjunction with Awards Day, we may be able to help you. West Monroe Alumni and Friends can assist you by receiving and holding funds to be disbursed in the form of a scholarship.

Sammie Saulsbury Continuing Education Scholarship

Through the generous funding from Sammie Saulsbury, six $1,000 grants are available annually. Teachers becoming certified in a particular subject area or pursuing their undergraduate degree to improve knowledge and expertise in a particular discipline may apply.

The following stipulations for receiving this scholarship include:

  • Applicant must have been accepted into the institution of his/her choice.

  • Applicant must provide information as to his/her financial commitment to the program being pursued.

  • Applicant must agree to continue teaching at WMHS for at least three years following completion of the course for which the scholarship is used.

  • Applicant must agree to reimburse West Monroe Alumni & Friends for the full amount of the scholarship if he/she leaves WMHS before the three year teaching requirement is fulfilled, or if he/she withdraws from or fails the course for which the scholarship is used.

Past Scholarship Recipients

Key Dates Spring Fall
Application Window 4/4 – 5/3 10/7 – 11/8
Notification to Scholarship Recipients 5/15 11/15

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